High Holidays 5785

This Rosh Hashanah we will be officially kicking off our Year of Connection as a community. We will gather in person with services also available on livestream. As always, there are no tickets needed to attend High Holiday services at Ohavay Zion Synagogue.

Included on this page are this year’s full High Holiday schedule and forms for honors, child care, and volunteer opportunities. These documents are available to print and mail in, or to complete on the website. Donations for High Holiday honors can be made by mailing in a check, or following the link to the OZS donation page. We request your responses by September 16th, 2024.

ALL GUESTS MUST BE PRE-REGISTERED. All are welcome, regardless of membership. If you are a guest to the community (attending with or without an OZS member) or you are a congregant who is bringing a guest to any of the services, please click the Guest Registration button below. We will happily put your name on a list so that we can welcome you at the door. NOTE: All backpacks and packages are subject to search

high holidays at a glance

High Holiday Schedule:

September 28, Saturday at OZS
8:30pm Havdalah
8:45pm KY Refugee Ministries - Storytelling
10:00pm Selichot Service


October 2, Wednesday
6:00 - 6:30pm Evening Service
October 3, Thursday
9:15am Morning Service
10:00am - 1:00pm Childcare (reservations required)
10:30am - 12:00pm Family Holiday Service (kids 3-6)
10:30am - 12:00pm Junior Congregation/Youth Activities (kids 7+)
Tashlikh (following end of service) About 1:30pm
6:00 - 6:30pm Evening Service
October 4, Friday
9:15am Morning Service
10:00am - 1:00pm Childcare (reservations required)
10:30am - 12:00pm Youth Service (kids 3+)
*No Kabbalat Shabbat

October 5, Saturday
9:30am Shabbat Morning Service

October 6, Sunday
1:00pm Kever Avot with TAI at Lexington Cemetary
*No Religious School

October 8, Tuesday
5:45pm Minyan and Tashlikh with Religious School

October 11, Friday
Promptly at 6:30pm Kol Nidre
Childcare 7 and under (Reservations Required)
October 12, Saturday
9:15am Morning Service
About 12:00pm Yizkor
10:00am - 1:00pm Childcare (Reservations Required)
10:30am - 12:00pm Family Holiday Service (kids 3-6)
10:30am - 12:00pm Junior Congregation/Youth Activities (kids 7+)
4:30pm Study Session (following break)
5:30pm Minha
7:00pm N’ila
8:00pm Ma’ariv, Hadvalah, & Break Fast

October 16, Wednesday
6:30pm Festival Evening Service
October 17, Thursday
9:30am Festival Morning Service 9:30am
About 12:00pm Light Harvest Lunch in the Sukkah
October 18, Friday
10:30am Study Session in the Sukkah
5:30pm Family Shabbat in the Sukkah
October 19, Saturday
9:30am Shabbat Morning Service
About 12:00pm New Member Potluck in the Sukkah
October 20, Sunday
Sippin’ in the Sukkah / Song Circle
October 21, Monday
4:00pm JFB Sukkah Hop at TAI
October 21-23, Monday through Wednesday
Congregants sign up to use the Sukkah

October 24, Thursday
9:30am Festival Morning Service
About 12:00pm Yizkor

October 24, Thursday
5:30pm Community-Wide Simchat Torah Celebration at OZS
(co-sponsored by JFB with brunch, kids’ activities, Torah parade, hakafot, and Torah reading)
October 25, Friday
9:30am Festival Morning Service